How to avoid selling scams when buying a horse
When buying a horse or pony it is important to be aware
that some unscrupulous horse dealers and even private sellers
may use selling 'scams' or dodgy sales practices to push up prices and
sell on unsuitable or even possibly dangerous horses or ponies.
Caveat emptor 'let the buyer beware' is particularly appropriate
when purchasing a horse.
Some of the examples of equine scams may sound far fetched but it can
be very easy for people to be taken in by someone with a horse for sale
who appears to be trustworthy.
- Horses that are not the vendors to sell
- they may be on loan
- Faked competition results
- Seller taking a "finder's fee"
- The horse or pony not
being as described in the advertisement
- Horses being doped to make them calmer
or to mask lameness
- A seller providing false references
- A horse dealer pretending to be a private
- Horses being worked hard before you view them to make
them appear more docile - watch out for sweat marks!
If the horse for sale is registered for competition or is
a recognised breed, you can check with the relevant breed
or equestrian sporting organisation that the seller is its
current owner. This will be much easier if it is currently competing.
A horse's passport or vaccination certificate should give
the owner's name.
Always get a horse or pony thoroughly vetted before you
buy. You can ask for blood samples to be taken check if the horse
has been doped with tranquilizers of has been given anti-inflammatories
to mask lameness or other causes of pain. |
Sellers can also be scammed.
Many online equestrian advertisers have
been contacted with dubious offers by individuals involved
in attempted internet-based scams.
The supposed buyers are nearly always based overseas and
make contact by email.
The purchasers then promise to send a cheque that more than
covers the cost of the horse and transportation, before asking
the seller to wire the excess amount back to their agent.
The cheques, if they ever arrive, bounce.
Always insist on exact payment only and under no circumstances,
part with goods until payment has COMPLETELY cleared . |
Avoid selling scams when buying a horse or pony - be aware unscrupulous horse dealers
and private sellers may use dodgy sales practices to push up prices and sell
unsuitable or dangerous horses