Homeopathy for Horses

Homeopathy for horses is a holistic system of healing
horsesbased on the use of highly diluted natural substances
to trigger a healing response in the horse's body.
The basic principal of equine homeopathy is that any
substance that can cause a disease, can also be the principle cure - "like
cures like".
If given in stronger doses to a healthy horse the chosen
medication would produce the symptoms the medicine is prescribed for.
This applies to horses and ponies as well as to human patients.
The more dilute a remedy, the more potent and effective it is.
Homeopathic remedies treat the cause of symptoms
The difference between using conventional drugs on your horse or pony
and homeopathic remediesis that the drugs treat
the symptoms and homeopathy is designed to treat the cause of the horse's
After herbal medicine, homeopathy is the second most widely used alternative health
care system in the world.
Homeopathy has benefits for many different types of illnesses and injuries
including equine colic
, rain scald and rain rot, ringbone,
ringworm, sweat
bumps and bruised soles.
- Arnica
is the the most popular homeopathic remedy to turn
to after an injury. useful for all forms of bruising and
soft tissue damage and trauma.
Arnica can be used to treat muscular strains and sprains
caused by over exertion, as well as trauma caused by a fall,
kick or blow.
- Hypericum and Calendula may be used for injuries, minor
wounds, cuts and abrasions, bites and stings.
- Aconite can help with colic, laminitis
and gastric ulcers.
- Arsenicum can help with colic and indigestion.
- Thuja can help with skin conditions
such as warts,
rain scald, and swelling from vaccinations.
- Nux Vomica for fright or panic, indigestion
or no appetite
- Colocynthus - bitter cucumber for colic
with spasms
St John's Wort |
In the uk it is illegal anyone other than a veterinary surgeon
to prescribe a homeopathic treatment for a horse.
You can treat your own horse but it is advisable get a proper
veterinary diagnosis and advice first.
More about complementary therapies and the law at Horse
and Hound. |
The most important thing to remember when giving a horse
a homeopathic remedy is that you must never touch the pellets/tablets
or drops with your hands as this may neutralise them and make
them ineffective.
You can place the pellets or drops into a syringe or other
If that is too difficult, you can let your horse lick the
pellets out of a dish or dissolve the pellets in a small amount
of water and pour it (or the drops) on a small food item that
will absorb it, like a small piece of bread or a sugar cube.
You must not feed anything else for at least 30 minutes after
giving your horse his homeopathic remedy and not offer water
for at least 15 minutes.
It is best if you only use one remedy at a time so that you
can tell if that remedy is working. |
the raw extracts of the substances are made into a tincture
with alcohol which forms the basis of the dilution procedure.
Dilutions are made up to either 1 part tincture to 10 parts
water (1x) or 1 part tincture to 100 parts water (1c). repeated
dilution results in the familiar 6x, 6c or 30c potencies that
can be bought over the counter: the 30c contains less than 1
part per million of the original substance. |
An online guide to equine homeopathic treatments and homeopathy remedies
for horses. with advice on dosage for equine homeopathy for horses using
arnica for bruising, arsenicum and aconite for colic, nux vomica and thuja