Arnica Montana is the recommeded choice of equine homeopathic remedy for treating a horse or pony with lameness caused by a bruised sole or sensitive hooves.
Treating your horse with homeopathic arnica remedies will not interefere with other treatments recommended by your vet, but it is always wise to consult your vet when deciding how to treat an injury to your horse.
To treat the horse's bruised sole - carefully take 1 pellet and dissolve it in water.
Draw this homeopathic solution into a sterile syringe, then squirt a portion of the liquid on to the bruised soles.
Repeat for 1-3 times per day for 2 to 3 days.
Arnica can also be given orally to help the horse recover from the bruising. It is generally recommended to give 6 small pillules 3 times a day.
If available Arnica Gel or cream can also be used for a lame horse with bruised soles.
Rub the arnica gel onto the affected sole for a couple of days or until the bruising goes and the lameness is reduced.
Using Arnica as an equestrian homeopathic remedy works by helping the horse's body to re-absorb the blood or serum from a bruised area. This helps healing and reduces the pain in the sole and hoof .
If the horse doesn't improve, it is possible that there is an abscess under the sole of the foot and you should call a vet or your farrier to investigate further.
The dead blood cells that form the bruise on the sole of the foot can easily become food for microbes to feed on, and this can result in an infection that forms into a painful abscess.
Homeopathic Arnica Montana can be bought as a gel, cream or in pellet form from health foods stores, chemists and from online companies and reputable Homeopathic Medicine suppliers.